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dinsdag 28 juni 2011

Microsoft CRM 2011 SharePoint Integration

SharePoint integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 enables you to:

  1. Create, upload, view, and delete documents on a SharePoint server from within Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  2. Use the SharePoint document management abilities within Microsoft Dynamics CRM such as check-in and check-out of the document, viewing version history, and changing the properties of the document.

Supported SharePoint Versions, 2007/2010

SharePoint integration is supported for SharePoint server 2010, SharePoint Server 2010 Online, and Shareoint Server 2007 and SharePoint Server 2007 online.

However, for a rich experience of working with the documents stored in SharePoint from within Microsoft Dynamics CRM and for automatic creation of location records on the SharePoint server, you must use SharePoint Server 2010 or SharePoint Server 2010 online, and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM List Component for SharePoint Server 2010 must be installed on the target SharePoint server.

If you are using SharePoint server 2007, the documents from the SharePoint server are displayed in an IFRAME instead of the grid in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Also folders cannot be automatically created on the SharePoint server.

Original post: http://www.accentgold.com/blog/microsoft-crm-2011-seamless-sharepoint-integration/

donderdag 3 februari 2011

Aanpassen charts in CRM 2011

Een chart die je in CRM 2011 hebt aangemaakt, kan redelijk eenvoudig aangepast worden door de chart te exporteren, de xml aan te passen en weer terug te importeren. Zie onderstaand commentaar in de afbeelding voor wat tips en tricks. 

Wordt vervolgd....

maandag 3 januari 2011

Adding Bing Maps to Dynamics CRM 2011

If you want to show, for example, the location of an account in Bing Maps, you have to make the following customizations in Dynamics CRM 2011:

First make an IFRAME on the Account Form, something like this:

After that, add some JavaScript to your page. Make sure it is activated on the OnLoad event.

function ShowBingMap()
if (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_line1").getValue() != null)
var strURL = ("http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?where1=" + Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_line1").getValue() + "," + Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_city").getValue());

After these modifications your Form should look something like this:

dinsdag 14 december 2010

SQL: make reporting labels multilangual

You can make field labels multilangual. By doing this you avoid the proces of making one report for every language within your organization. By using the report parameter CRM_UILanguageId you can determine the language code for the user who is starting the report. By using an IIF-statement in your label, you can make the labels multilangual.

maandag 13 december 2010

SQL - Pass Multi-value parameter from master to subreport

To pass a Multi-value parameter from a master to a subreport, first add the parameter in both reports. Only the parameter in the master report has to contain the values.

In the master report in the Subreport Properties section, make a connection between both parameters:

Be carefull: when adding the parameter, BIDS will add it as =Parameter!Opp_Stat.Value(0). Change this in =Parameter!Opp_Stat.Value because else you will only see the first parameter value in your query result!

Your datasource should look something like this:

One thing I think worth to emphasize, since it's a multi-valued parameter, the query in the Subreport 's Datasource has to use the "in" syntax and not the "=" syntax.

donderdag 9 december 2010

SQL Server: "All Values" option in Queried parameter

To add the option "All" in a Queried SQL parameter change your (list) dataset like this:

The dataset where you use the parameter should look something like this:

SELECT statecodename, statecode
FROM FilteredOpportunity AS CRMAF_FilteredOpportunity
WHERE (accountid = @CRM_Accountid) AND (statecode = @CRM_Opp_Statt) OR
(accountid = @CRM_Accountid) AND (@CRM_Opp_Statt = - 1)

For Text variables:
Use a (list) dataset, similar to this:

The dataset where you use the parameter should look something like this: